Age and growth of Golden Grey Mullet Chelon auratus (Risso, 1810) in coastal waters of Golestan province

Document Type : scientific research article


1 Ph.D. Student in Aquaculture Production and Exploitation, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gonbadkavos University, Gonbadkavos, Iran.

2 Corresponding Author, Associate Prof., Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gonbadkavos University, Gonbadkavos, Iran

3 Assistant Prof., Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gonbadkavos University, Gonbadkavos, Iran

4 Associate Prof., Education and Research Organization of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad, National Fisheries Science Research Institute, Caspian Sea Aquatic Ecology Research Institute, Sari, Iran

5 Assistant Prof. Dept. of Fisheries, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gonbadkavos University, Gonbadkavos, Iran


In this study, age and growth of Golden Grey Mullet (C. auratus) was investigated during the years 1394-1397 in the coastal waters of Golestan province. This study was the first study on the modeling and implementation of three models for estimating growth parameters of golden mullet (C. auratus) in Iranian waters (Golestan province). During the sampling period, commercial fishing with a size of 27-33 springs was used, and outside of the fishing season, a net with a size of 20 and 30 was used. Biometry of fish was done including fork length with an accuracy of 1 mm, total weight with an accuracy of 1 gram. The length range for golden mullet was 15 to 59.5 cm and the weight range was 52.5 to 1401 grams. The exponential relationship of fork length and total weight (W=0.69L0023) was obtained. Based on the multi-model approach, the best model to show the growth of this fish was the Gumpertz growth model (∆AIC = 1.71, AIC = 46.13), and the logistic model was the best model to depict the growth of this fish according to the AIC information coefficient ( ∆AIC = 1.27, AIC = 50.71). Considering the pressure of legal and illegal fishing on this valuable species, it shows that the population and the amount of fishing in the south-eastern coast of the Caspian Sea are increasing. The results of this study can be used as basic information for catching and exploiting this species in the future.


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