Ethical principles of article publication The author and members of the publication (editor of the magazine, members of the editorial board, specialized secretaries, internal manager, editor and publisher) must accept the rules and ethical code of the publication and reach an agreement on it.
The submitted articles must be in the specialized field of the journal and provide educational aspects and the result of the author or authors' research work. In addition to the subject of the article being in the specialized field of the magazine, the articles or part of it should not be in any magazine inside or outside the country at the same time. Articles presented in the form of abstracts in congresses, symposiums, domestic and foreign seminars that have been printed and published can be presented in the form of full articles. Articles taken from theses and dissertations of students are published with the name of the supervisor, advisers and students and with the approval of the supervisor and his responsibility. Articles translated from other languages will not be accepted. The author responsible for the correspondence is responsible for the scientific and legal validity of the content of the article and the responsibility for the opinions and opinions presented, and publishing the article does not mean confirming all its contents. In case of not receiving a timely response from the authors to correct the issues announced by the referees, the article will be evaluated outside and the twenty authors will submit the revised article as a new article to the journal. The possibility of using other people's research results should be done with proper referencing. Mentioning the responsible person and colleagues in the article and being careful in the absence of unrelated names Authors should also introduce all the financial supporters of their article Whenever the author notices any error or carelessness in his article, he informs the publication about it, takes action to correct it or withdraw the article.
Articles of the journal
The personal information of the authors of the articles for all the people who have access to it, such as the editor, the members of the editorial board, and the internal and executive director of the publication, and other active agents (other than the corresponding author), such as the editors, editors, and trusted publishers, must be completely confidential and at any time
Protect it. The editor is responsible for directing and supervising the policies of a publication and is also responsible for maintaining the quality of the publication in terms of literature and science. The first duty of the editor and members of the editorial board is to ensure accuracy, precision and fairness in judging the works. The editor must provide his assessment of the received articles without the involvement of his personal opinion and intellectual content. The journal is free to reject or accept, edit, summarize or modify the accepted articles and is exempted from returning the received articles.
The referees help the editor of the journal in the quality, content and scientific review of the articles, or help to improve the quality and content of the articles through the communication of the editorial members with the respected author. After the initial review, the selected referees should immediately inform the editor of the publication about the result, either accepting or rejecting the refereeing. All the information in the articles should be considered confidential for the referee and the referee should try to keep it. Judging of articles should be based on scientific documentation and sufficient reasoning, clearly and clearly stated, and these documents should be presented to publications and authors, and refrain from expressing taste, personal, racial, religious, etc. opinion in the judging of articles. Paying attention to the sources used in the article is another duty of the referees.
All the researches, subjects and quotations used in the article must be accompanied by full references in the bibliography. The referees should not accept the articles that the interests of certain individuals, institutions and companies are obtained by it or personal relationships are observed in it. Also, this publication respects the rules of ethics in publications, is subject to the rules of the Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud in scientific works.