Effects of Bacillus subtilis , Bacillus Licheniformis and vitamin C in supper intensive rearing system on growth, survival rate and proximate body composition of the Litopeneaus vannamei



This study was evaluated to study the effects of vitamin C and the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, B.lichniformis on growth and carcass composition of Litopenaus vannamei. Three treatments were applied, treatment fed with probiotics (4×1010 cfu/kg food), treatment with vitamin C (140 mg/kg food) and the control group. Three replicates were used for each treatment. Shrimps were kept in nine 300-liter tanks with the density of 300 shrimp m-2 and fed for 6 weeks. Growth factors (total length, carapace length, total production, final weight and specific growth rate) in probiotic and vitamin C treatments were significantly higher compared to the control group (P


Main Subjects